KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS The following keys can be used to directly control Brilliance from the Amiga's keyboard. Key equivalents are shown as they are to be used; lower case represents unshifted keys, upper case represents shifted keys. Keys referred to as Amiga keys mean Right-Amiga keys. BRUSH CONTROL - (hyphen) Reduce brush size by 1 pixel _ (underline) Reduce brush size by 10 pixels = Increase bursh size by 1 pixel + Increase brush size by 10 pixels b Cut brush B Restore brush h Halve H Double o Outline edge of brush O Trim edge of brush x Flip horizontal X Double horizontal y Flip vertical Y Double vertical z 90 degree rotate Z Streth/Size Brush Alt-s Center brush handle Alt-x Flip brush handle horizontal Alt-y Flip brush handle vertical Alt-z Place brush handle Amiga-C Copy brush to clipboard Amiga-E Save (export) brush Amiga-I Load (import) brush Amiga-V Get brush from clipboard TOOL CONTROL a Airbrush select A Size airbrush d Freehand draw with dots D Freehand filled draw e Unfilled ellipse E Filled ellipse f Fill draw g Grid on/off j Toggle buffers m Magnify mode on/off M Place magnifier q Elliptical curve Q Bezier curve r Unfilled rectangle R Filled rectangle s Freehand draw with lines t Text requestor u Undo Alt-u Undo All U Redo Alt-U Redo All Ctrl-u Reset undo buffer v Line draw w Unfilled polygon W Filled polygon > Increase magnification < Decrease magnification , Pick foreground color cursor [ Select previous color for foreground { Select previous color for background ] Select next color for foreground } Select next color for background . One pixel brush / Toggle symmetry on/off Alt-r Reverse gradient Alt-[ Use next gradient Alt-] Use previous gradient Alt-t Toggle transparency MENUS AND MODES Alt-a Animation menu F Draw mode menu p Palette menu P Gradient menu Alt-p Tint draw mode Ctrl-t Transparency menu Amiga-P Print menu ANIMATION CONTROL 1 Previous frame 2 Next frame 4 Play animation forward continously 5 Play animation forward one time 6 Play animation ping-pong continously ! Go to first animation frame @ Go to last animation frame $ Play animation backward continously % Play animation backward one time Alt-- Delete current frame Alt-= Add frame Alt-\ Add blank frame ANIM-BRUSH CONTROL 7 Previous frame 8 Next frame Alt-B Cut anim-brush PROGRAM OPERATION CONTROL K Clear current page n Center screen on mouse cursor N Pan page S Show page SPACE BAR Toggles menus on/off TAB Toggles color cycling on/off ESC Abort current operation DEL Toggles mouse cursor on/off UP arrow Moves the screen up DOWN arrow Moves the screen down RIGHT arrow Moves the screen right LEFT arrow Moves the screen left Amiga-q Quit Brilliance BUFFER CONTROL Amiga-s Save image Amiga-l Load image ( [numeric keypad] Go to previous buffer ) [numeric keypad] Go to next buffer / [numeric keypad] Add new buffer AMIGA FUNCTION KEYS F1 Brush mode F2 Color mode F3 Replace mode F4 Smear draw mode F5 Range draw mode F6 Average smear draw mode F7 Cycle draw mode F8 Smooth draw mode F9 Squash menus F10 Toggle menus on/off * * * * * In addition you can hit the numbers 0-9 on the numeric keypad for various useful pre-configured menus.